The Future Of Sales Intelligence

Sandler Webinar

The Future Of Sales Intelligence

Master the Next Evolution of Selling

Tuesday, May 14th at 2PM ET/11AM PT

68% of buyers don’t engage a sales rep until the last stage of the buyer’s journey.

Modern buyers today have endless access to data before they ever interact with sellers. This puts salespeople at risk of getting left behind by new technology and shifting buying behaviors. However, using AI tools and tech stacks to boost sales requires training and enablement.

Discover the secrets of success in an evolving sales landscape. Join Sandler’s Executive Chairman, Dave Mattson, and Head of Strategy and Support, Franchise, Mike Montague, as they address three critical issues:

  • Today’s more complex buyer journey and sales landscapes require a new breed of salespeople.
  • Technology and Sales need to work as one for the survival of sales organizations.
  • Organizations that succeed in developing strong sales leaders will gain a competitive edge.

Align your knowledge and expectations with the future of sales intelligence! This session will inspire you with ways to evolve your sales approach in today’s landscape.

Meet Our Speakers

Learn from Dave Mattson, a preeminent sales thought leader, best-selling author, and keynote speaker with 35+ years of experience. Mattson has guided Sandler to its position as a global provider of sales and management training, with over 200 operating units in 25 countries.

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