How to Set Your Team Up for a Great Year: Understand the Buyer Journey

Sandler Advisor
The Sandler Advisor is a complimentary quarterly e-newsletter filled with relevant, real-world sales and leadership topics designed to help you succeed. From business development and sales prospecting to leadership coaching, management, and recruitment, the Sandler Advisor has it all.
The Sandler Perspective
By David Mattson, President and CEO, Sandler
Many senior leaders are primarily looking to cut costs… and at the same time looking for ways to drive more revenue. We need to ask: Is what we’re doing in an effort to attain those objectives really serving us?
The Eight Habits of Salespeople Who Thrive During Times of Economic Uncertainty
By Emily Yepes, Sandler Trainer
During a downturn, many of your competitors will be sitting on the sidelines, hoping not to have to move beyond their comfort zone. That means it’s your time to shine… by practicing these eight personal habits.
Thank You, Prospects
By David Sandler, Founder, Sandler
Thank you, prospects, for every obstacle you threw my way. You made me a better salesperson by forcing me to use my creativity to find appropriate, professional responses.
5 Critical Sandler Commitments for Sales Leaders in 2023
By Bill Bartlett, Executive Vice President of Franchise, Sandler
Want to exceed team performance goals and create a working culture based on mutual understanding and respect in 2023? Here are 5 personal commitments that will help.
How to Set Your Team Up for a Great Year
By David Mattson, President and CEO, Sandler
If I could wave a magic wand that would get sales leaders to ask themselves one question that would help them set their teams up for a great 2023, it would be this one: “What process do your buyers follow?”
3 Tips for Leading the Buyer-Focused Conversation
By Mike Montague, Director of Community Engagement
Remember, your job is not to convince the buyer to sign the deal today, but rather to start an interesting, useful conversation and put yourself on the buyer’s radar screen.
Sales Leaders: Seven Reasons You Are the Organization’s Air Traffic Controller
By David Mattson, President and CEO, Sandler
If you’re a sales leader, and your team is producing, that’s because of your ability to do what an air traffic controller does.