Video: Sandler Rule #21: Sell Today, Educate Tomorrow
As Sandler Training’s Karl Scheible explains above, it may be in the salesperson’s best interest to stop talking from time to time.
As odd as that sounds, especially when you consider that the stereotypical salesperson is never a stranger to conversation, it’s definitely the case that your verbal enthusiasm for selling your product may keep you from doing just that-actually selling.
Your early contact with a prospect shouldn’t be about diving into your service offerings or capabilities. That can be overwhelming and a bit transparent to someone who has had little contact with you. Your job is to qualify the prospect so that you can more effectively use the countless materials and selling angles you’ve accumulated to make a better presentation at a later meeting.
Devote your attention to asking questions and listening to the prospect build their own case for how you can help them. Once you’ve started the dialogue (not a monologue), you’ll soon be able to use your product knowledge to “wow” the prospect, not overwhelm them.